Monday, September 18, 2006

Would anyone like to take over so folks can post anonymously?

No one ever applied for Theo 5 postition. Someone ended up taking over and making a new site anyway. If you would like the passwords to this blog and the original site then let me know.

I will tell you that it is very hard to moderate. It is extremely stressful.

Wendy Page

1 comment:

wemmies said...

From a post at UTR...

Brother Daniel has turned in his minister's license. He says that he can not continue to be a minister in the Church of God, Stephen Smith. One reason given is the blatant disregard for correct procedures during the General Assembly. The General Assembly was silenced and not allowed to do its job.

I will post Brother Daniels' letter to Brother Smith sometime tommorrow.

God Bless Brother Daniel.

We can have posts here anonymously. It isn't moderated. Be nice.